Vegan Heirloom beans – Lebanese traditional fasoulia bi zeit

Vegan Heirloom beans - lebanese fasoulia bzeit|marmite et ponpon

I heart our Lebanese cuisine for how versatile and wholesome is. Cooking traditional Lebanese is a pleasure, with few ingredients you can have a surprisingly deep flavor dish. Vegan, vegetarian or with meat the same dish can be presented, and each time as a symphony of blended middle eastern flavors.

Today’s dish is vegan heirloom beans, can be done with also pinto beans. Fasoulia (beans) bi zeit (zeit is oil, meaning meatless), when you say bi zeit immediately you think of eating Lebanese bread to substitute rice. Almost all Lebanese vegan dishes can be presented hot or at room temperature, as main dish or even part of mezze but the one thing for sure, is with bread and lots of vegetables. I told you we eat very healthy 🙂

Vegan Heirloom beans - lebanese fasoulia bi zeit|marmite et ponpon|marmite et ponpon

If you are cooking with dried beans, you need to soak them in water for at least 12 hours and better overnight. I am cooking with green ones, thanks for my parents who sent me some overseas.

One cup can serve 2-4 people depending on how you are serving it. I will make 2 cups in this recipe, (almost half a kilo) to serve 4 as a main dish.

  • 2 cups heirloom|pinto beans
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 big onion finely diced
  • 2-3 garlic cloves crushed
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup tomato puree plus 2 tbsp tomato paste (for deeper flavor)
  • salt to taste

In a deep pot fry the onions and garlic in olive oil until tender and fragrant.If you are not fan of garlic you can substitute with one tsp garlic salt for milder flavor. Add tomato puree and tomato paste and keep cooking for 2-3 minutes. Drain out the beans (if you have them soaked) and add it to the mixture. Pour 4 cups of water and let them boil.

When it starts boiling, reduce to low heat, cover the pot and let it simmer for an hour. If the water reduces feel free to add some more. The level of water should be always 2-3cm above the grains.

Vegan Heirloom beans - lebanese fasoulia bi zeit|marmite et ponpon|marmite et ponpon

Serve it hot or at room temperature as per your choice. Eat like a Lebanese with an endless choice of side vegetables like cucumber, tomato, radish, raw or spring onion… or even pickles!

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Vegan Heirloom beans - lebanese fasoulia bi zeit|marmite et ponpon|marmite et ponpon

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