Fantastick art

sticky artChildren enjoy having a go at arts and crafts activities, especially cutting, gluing and sticking. If your child is not old enough to use scissors and glue, it’s a brilliant activity for collage. All you need to do is tape a clear contact paper with the sticky side up, give him colorful paper cut outs, pompoms, wiggling eyes, feathers…. (anything you find in your creative play box) and watch him making shapes and getting creative. Today Fouad, (Nady’s friend) is participating as well. Hourray amigo!

sticky art

sticky art

This activity is amazing for fine motor skills as for teaching geometric shapes, colors, textures and introducing new words…  It’s important to know that your child’s messy art represents a huge milestone in their physical development. In the space of one year your child has gone from not even knowing they have hands to being able to cut or glue or just stick, it needs enough pressure, and fine motricity skills. That’s incredible!

sticky art

sticky art

As children get older, arts and crafts help them to socialize with others, they get together to play and create. It’s no secret, doing such activities in groups (or at least tow kids) provides a positive outlet for children to share, socialize and express their emotions.

sticky art

it’s an open ended activity, you start by something and ends up by playing other totally different games. For instance, Nady was enjoying the paper rain, (throwing on him the small pieces of colored papers as if it’s rain) and imitating the rain sound!

sticky art

After sticking for long time, the boys got enough (and it’s normal after 2 hours) they switched to basketball, and left behind those two beautiful pieces.

sticky art


6 responses to “Fantastick art

  1. Again it was a fun afternoon for the boys. I am always amazed at the simplicity but efficiency of the activities you come up with. Fouad is experiencing so many new things and mommy is learning the importance of letting be messy sometimes. Merci Jaymmy.


  2. enjoying the paper rain :)!! Fouad what time is it 🙂 🙂 :)!!


  3. just by watching Nady’s hands you can tell he’s a true artist ❤ ❤ ❤


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