my mom’s mega simple brioche recipe

brioche“Only your grandchild is dearer to you than your child” is an arabic proverb to express the love of the grandparents to the grandchildren.

Brioche is Nady’s favorite dessert. who’s better than teta (grandmother) to bake it for him?

Baked with love brioche:

  • 500 g flour
  • 80 g melted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 250 ml warm milk
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp yeast
  • 1 egg for glaze

Mix yeast, icing sugar and warm milk and keep it aside for 10 mns.

Then add eggs, butter and salt and mix well, then the flour.

Leave it to rest for 1 hour until it doubles in size than divide it into 8 parts.


The dough is really sticky, so better grease your fingers with a bit of oil before rolling the dough.

Place it on parchment paper and again leave it for an hour to double in size.

Glaze the top with egg and bake for 16 to18 mns on 180ºC until risen and golden brown.


Allow to cool before offering to your child.

So delicious! Thank you teta Ado.




He wanted to bite all of them 🙂



10 responses to “my mom’s mega simple brioche recipe

  1. Hi, can I bake the brioche in a bread pan? Lovely recipe! Thank you!


  2. Oops! By accident I clicked on the stars hoping to see the reviews and it said I voted ‘average’ or 3 stars. So sorry! Please remove that for me. Thx


  3. So adorable!!!… That last pic made me smile! I have been wanting to bake brioche for years and now I’ve been inspired!! Thanks!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pls o need the recipe of cheese cake


  5. J’adore les brioches, je vais essayer de faire ta recette, je te dirais:)


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